1. Property of FOREVER US
In accordance with the terms of Article 10 of Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce Act 34/2002, of 11 July 2002, you are hereby informed that the organisation supplying the product and providing the services of FOREVER US via this catalogue is the limited liability company Grupo Kiniluku, S.L., the corporate details of which are:
Registered Office: Paseo de Gracia, 12, 1, 08007 Barcelona (Spain) {CIF: B-65722043 {Registered in the Companies Register of Barcelona: volume 43098, page 159, sheet B 421790, entry: 1
.Contact details: email: atencion@forever-us.net {telephone: 934 920 382{fax: 934 920 351
Grupo Kiniluku, S.L. is a company specialising in the design, manufacture and sale of funereal art applied to headstones, tombs, crypts and funeral urns using synthetic materials, intended for individuals, funeral directors and insurance companies.
The name FOREVER US, its trademarks, logos, distinguishing signs or any other symbols of corporate identity of any kind included in this catalogue are the property of Grupo Kiniluku, S.L., and it may not be understood that any usage of the catalogue provides or assigns to the client any right regarding the aforementioned trademarks, trading names and/or distinguishing signs.
Furthermore, the designs, concepts, samples and arrangements contained in this catalogue are the physical and intellectual property of Grupo Kiniluku, S.L., and may not be deemed to have been assigned to the client or to the distributor. By virtue of the terms of these conditions, none of the rights of exploitation which currently or may in the future exist regarding these designs, concepts, samples and arrangements may be employed other than as strictly necessary for the due promotion, processing of commercial orders and/or contracting of services from FOREVER US.
2. Personal data protection policy.
Grupo Kiniluku, S.L. hereby informs its clients of its personal data protection policy, in order for them to decide freely and voluntarily whether they wish to provide Grupo Kiniluku, S.L. with the personal data requested in this catalogue and the corresponding order forms.
For the purposes of the terms of Organic Personal Data Protection Act 15/1999, of 13 December 1999, Grupo Kiniluku, S.L., as the provider of the service/supplier of the product, serves notice of the existence of a personal data filing system created and controlled by Grupo Kiniluku, S.L., containing the data obtained by means of the order forms.
Personal data will be requested for provision of the FOREVER US product/service and automated processing, and will be included in the corresponding automated filing systems controlled by Grupo Kiniluku, S.L., where appropriate, relevant and reasonable with regard to the scope and purposes for which the data were obtained.
Pursuant to Article 9 of the Personal Data Protection Act and the Security Measures Regulation, Grupo Kiniluku, S.L. has drawn up a Security Document and implemented the security measures to be applied in accordance with the nature of the data included in the various filing systems.
In specific terms, Grupo Kiniluku, S.L. applies security measures in accordance with the Security Measures Regulation to guarantee the security of personal data and to prevent their alteration, loss, unauthorised access or treatment, in accordance with the state of the technological art, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, whether derived from human action or through the physical or natural environment.
The client will in any event be responsible for the accuracy of the data provided, and Grupo Kiniluku, S.L. reserves the right not to deliver the product or provide the services to any client providing false data, notwithstanding any other legal actions which may apply.
In the event that Grupo Kiniluku, S.L. should propose assignment to third parties of the personal data of gathered on this site, it will serve due notice thereof on the parties affected, stating the identity of the assignees and the purpose for which the data assigned are to be processed.
The client likewise authorises Grupo Kiniluku, S.L. to process his/her personal data even after conclusion of the contractual relationship, in order for it to send out information by conventional mail, SMS, e-mail or any other means, regarding the products and services marketed by Grupo Kiniluku, S.L., or by companies belonging to its corporate group, or other partner organisations, and to contact clients in order to conduct satisfaction surveys, client loyalty and/or retention programmes or other similar undertakings.
Clients may at any time exercise their right of access, correction, cancellation and objection regarding their personal data by contacting the Client Service Department at Grupo Kiniluku, S.L., Paseo de Gracia, 12, 1, 08007 Barcelona, or by telephoning: 934 920 382, fax: 934 920 351 o e-mailing: atencion@forever-us.net
In the event of objection to the processing and assignment of data as referred to in the aforementioned legislation, service provision will become ineffective during the period of the objection, as Grupo Kiniluku, S.L. will not have access to the required user information data.
3. Customer service.
If the client is not satisfied with the product, service or resolution of a query or incident and wishes to register a formal claim or complaint, the Grupo Kiniluku, S.L. Client Service Department should be contacted at the following address:
Grupo Kiniluku, S.L.{Atención al ClientePaseo de Gracia, 12, 108007 Barcelona
or an e-mail otherwise sent to the address: atencion@forever-us.net
You should ideally send us all details required in order to facilitate resolution of the incident (in particular name and surname and your product/service serial number).
4. Use of the Catalogue
Grupo Kiniluku, S.L. reserves the right to change the catalogue terms and conditions at any time. Such modifications will take effect immediately upon replacement in the product catalogue. Consult the most recent version of these conditions.
Use of the catalogue and the corresponding order form shall be deemed to constitute acceptance of the conditions. Do not use the catalogue, samples or forms unless you agree with all the terms and conditions. The information in the catalogue is simply general "as is" information, for the sole purpose of providing an indication of the FOREVER US products and services, and offering clients an illustration of the product type, designs and arrangements.
Grupo Kiniluku, S.L. reviews all aspects connected with the catalogue and materials provided or loaded into the FOREVER US catalogue, and assumes responsibility for the contents. Grupo Kiniluku, S.L. reserves the right to block or eliminate any personalisations which it, in its own judgement, deems to be: {a) abusive, defamatory or obscene, {b) fraudulent, deceitful or dubious {c) in violation of any copyright or registered trademark, intellectual property or other right, or, {d) offensive or unacceptable to Grupo Kiniluku, S.L. e) any content, image, opinion or other information which may constitute an offence
Grupo Kiniluku, S.L. offers no guarantees of any type regarding the contents of the catalogue, including but not confined to any guarantee of certainty, completeness, validity, reliability, saleability or fitness for a particular purpose, or any guarantee that this content, or the platform on which it is made available, is free of errors and oversights.
Grupo Kiniluku, S.L. does not guarantee that the functions or services of FOREVER US will be uninterrupted or free of errors, or that defects in FOREVER US processes will be corrected.
5. Obligations of the Client
Clients are responsible for 1) implementing and maintaining appropriate procedures and inspection points in order to satisfy their own needs, the accuracy of order details and {2) maintaining consistency and oversight of those details.
The client agrees to: a) maintain all equipment required for proper usage of the FOREVER US catalogue. b) maintain the security of the client"s identification, password and other confidential information and {c) assume liability for any charges resulting from usage of the FOREVER US catalogue, including unauthorised usage, following notification of Grupo Kiniluku, S.L., taking measures to prevent this from recurring.
Clients are responsible for their personalisations and any use which they may make of FOREVER US products, but MAY NOT, under any circumstance, perform any of the following actions: a) include any message which is defamatory, b) include any message, data or image which is indecent, obscene or pornographic, c) include any message, data or image which would violate the property rights of others, including unauthorised copied images or texts, d) exchange secrets, or any other proprietary secret information, and registered trademarks or registered services employed in flagrant breach, e) include messages intended to threaten, harass, persecute, abuse or violate legal rights (including the privacy and publicity rights of others).
It is not the intention of Grupo Kiniluku, S.L. to dissuade its clients from expressing their condolences in a creative manner, but Grupo Kiniluku, S.L. nonetheless reserves the right to take any legal action it may deem appropriate in those cases where FOREVER US is being used to distribute statements which are profoundly and broadly offensive and/or potentially harmful. A failure to abide by the above limitations or obligations could result in civil or criminal liability.
6. Intellectual property
Copyright over the content of the FOREVER US products, including but not confined to all designs, texts and images, belongs or is licensed to Grupo Kiniluku, S.L., and may not be copied, reproduced, transmitted, exhibited, developed, distributed, rented, sub-licensed, altered, saved for subsequent use or used in any other way in whole or in part without the prior, written consent of Grupo Kiniluku, S.L., unless the client wishes to make a personal print of his/her personalised FOREVER US concepts (not modified in any way) for use as a preview of the final product result. These may not be used for commercial purposes nor to undermine the reputation of Grupo Kiniluku, S.L.
The complete contents of the FOREVER US catalogue are subject to copyright as a collective work, under the laws of the United States and other copyright laws. Grupo Kiniluku, S.L. maintains copyright over the collective work. The collective work includes works which are the property of design and production workers, likewise protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. You may exhibit and be subject to specific restrictions or limitations with regard to specific materials. Any redistribution, retransmission or publication of protected materials is strictly forbidden without the express, written consent of the author. You agree not to change or delete the indication of ownership of the FOREVER US designs and arrangements.
The client agrees to bring no lawsuit against Grupo Kiniluku, S.L., or its shareholders, directors, volunteers or employees, on the basis of any liability born out of use of or inability to use the catalogue and corresponding forms.